The story of *us*4 little bookworms

I am a 29-year-old mother of two young girls. I have been married to my sweet husband for over 9 years now and together this ride has been simply amazing with all of its ups and downs.
Our journey began through the internet many years ago. Back when he was in the military and I still lived at home with my parents back in the middle of Germany. He lived several hours away from my hometown and often we only got to spend weekends together, but often many weeks at a time.
I say, each generation has its troubles. Ours, certainly has seen many with all the recent wars and politic issues. Our troubles were formed through the Iraq war. He went right at the beginning. We knew nothing, we had no phones, no internet , it was a scary time. All we had were letters, just like in the old days. It was a hard time, yet a time that made us stronger. The letters we wrote to each other, I will cherish a lifetime and beyond. I will never forget the moments when I received another letter from him. The feelings, the worries but also the joy and happy tears, will always be a part of our story.
I am thankful every day that he returned safe and sound to me, I wouldn’t know what I would do without him in this crazy world :).

To make our story a bit shorter, we ended up getting married a year after his return. I left my home country and started a life with him in the US. We had nothing when we started our journey. Now we have the most amazing little girls and have just moved into our third home.
I am also a photographer, something that has opened and changed my world a few years back. Many say, they see the world with different eyes through a camera and for many it is true. For me it was. I stopped and started looking at more details or our daily life, started learning to appreciate more of the little things. Learnt to love nature more again and most times, it helped me find a little bit of inner peace.
If you are more curious about my photography, even though at many times, these 2 sites will clash, here is a link.

With all the changes in the country, and my personal disagreement of the school system here in the US and many more personal choices and reasons we have now started our homeschooling adventure.
In the recent years I have also noticed how little time I had to teach my children about my own heritage, the german language and pretty much the world in general. Schools simply can’t cover it all. Unfortunately I made the big mistake, and just wanted to fit in here at the beginning that I dropped a lot of german in my daily life. That will change now. One of our goals with homeschooling will be to focus on our heritage, together with lots of European and world history and cultural things. I want my children to be open to the world, be little world citizen 🙂

We will share adventures of cooking, learning life skills, jump back in history, discuss old German childhood stories, take field trips to all the amazing places around us and discover the world together ! Every so often I will post links to Amazon, Moving beyond the Page and other sites, and often they are affiliated links. This will not cost you anything more than if you would order it any other way, but we will get a tiny percentage from the sale which we greatly appreciate and use towards our homeschooling journey !

So please join us and discover the world with us ! Together we might just make the world a tiny bit better, a better place one moment at a time…,


Mama bookworm 🙂

First To Read

8 thoughts on “The story of *us*4 little bookworms

  1. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. You have a wonderful site here and I’ll be checking back often! If you’d like to review “Tea in Pajamas”, just holler 🙂

    1. Thank you, I was excited to stumble across your site and find your book. Hopefully I get a chance to read and review it sometime next year. It sounds wonderful and right up our alley 😉

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